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Circular Economy Quiz
Test your knowledge of the circular economy.
1 / 11
What is the difference between a circular and linear economy?
2 / 11
True of False, kerbside recycling is an important part of the circular economy.
3 / 11
True or false, recycling packaging conserves natural resources.
4 / 11
True or false, composting waste is not part of the circular economy.
5 / 11
True or false, A circular economy is good for the environment but not good for the economy.
6 / 11
True or false, if there were no humans, then there would be no landfill.
7 / 11
Select all examples of natural resources used to produce products
8 / 11
True or false, if we make less stuff, there will be less work for people.
9 / 11
True or false, in the future we could rent new technology or cars instead of owning them.
10 / 11
True or false, the circular economy is just another name for recycling.
11 / 11
What are some benefits to a circular economy? (select all correct answers)
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The average score is 69%
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Climate Change Quiz
Test your knowledge with our climate change quiz!
1 / 6
Which of these statements best describes climate change?
2 / 6
Which of these are fossil fuels? (select all correct answers)
3 / 6
Which greenhouse gas is released from landfill sites?
4 / 6
What happens to waste and rubbish specifically in Devon?
5 / 6
What are the impacts of climate change? (Select all correct answers)
6 / 6
What actions can you take to reduce your contribution to climate change? (Select all correct answers)
The average score is 42%
Fast Fashion Quiz
What do you know about Clothes, Textiles and Fast Fashion?
1 / 9
Which plant can't be used to make fabric?
2 / 9
What percentage of the World's carbon emissions come from the textiles and clothing industry?
3 / 9
How much water does it take to grow enough cotton for a t-shirt?
4 / 9
How many tonnes of clothes are wasted globally on average each year?
5 / 9
What is the most sustainable fabric?
6 / 9
Spot the odd one out! Which statement is false?
7 / 9
The carbon footprint of all the clothes bought in the UK in 2019 was the same as flying a plane around the world how many times?
8 / 9
How many miles would you need to drive in a car to release the same amount of carbon as one new t-shirt?
9 / 9
How can you reduce your impact on the Earth? (Select all correct answers)
The average score is 36%
Plastic and Plastic Pollution Quiz
Science of Materials - Plastic
1 / 14
Name some properties of plastic...
2 / 14
How much plastic packaging is recycled in the UK?
3 / 14
How many types of plastic polymer are there?
4 / 14
What are most plastics made from?
5 / 14
When was synthetic plastic invented?
6 / 14
How can you reduce the plastic you use at home? (Select all that apply)
7 / 14
Which of these inventions actually exists as an alternative to plastic packaging?
8 / 14
What is produced when plastics break down in the environment?
9 / 14
Complete the sentence: Plastics are a problem when discarded at sea because....
10 / 14
Are plastics a renewable or non-renewable resource?
11 / 14
What is the item found most regularly on beach cleans?
12 / 14
Are plastics a problem to wildlife when they end up in the sea?
13 / 14
Where should your hard plastic packaging go?
14 / 14
Choose the reasons why we should recycle.
The average score is 49%
Science of Materials: Metals Quiz
This is a quick quiz to test your knowledge of metals and their recycling!
1 / 10
What materials stick to a magnet? (Select all correct answers)
2 / 10
Name some other properties of metals
3 / 10
What's the name of the place where magnetism was discovered?
4 / 10
Where do we get metals from?
5 / 10
Are metals a renewable or non-renewable resource?
6 / 10
Which kind of your recycling would stick to a magnet?
7 / 10
8 / 10
How are magnets used in the recycling process?
9 / 10
Name an object that you would never make out of metal.
10 / 10
Can you recycle all metals?
The average score is 64%
Science of Materials: Paper
Test your knowledge of paper in all its forms!
1 / 7
How much paper do we use in the UK each year?
2 / 7
How many trees does it take to make one tonne of paper?
3 / 7
How many trees are saved by recycling one tonne of paper?
4 / 7
How much water does it take to make 1 sheet of A4 paper?
5 / 7
How many times (on average) is paper recycled in Europe?
6 / 7
Every Christmas we waste enough wrapping paper to cover this many football pitches...
7 / 7
What can you do to reduce paper at home?
The average score is 37%
Science of Materials: Food Waste
Test your knowledge of Food Waste.
How much of the food produced on the planet is wasted?
How much food waste do we make in the UK?
How much of the food thrown away in the UK each year could have been eaten by humans?
True or false, pizza can be composted at home.
How much of the world's greenhouse emissions are down to food waste?
In the UK how much has the amount of food waste changed since 2007?
How much food was redistributed through food waste initiatives in 2020?
What do you think is the top food wasted in UK homes?
What can you do to reduce food waste at home?
Science of Materials - Textiles
Test your knowledge on all things textiles.
What are textiles?
What properties can textiles have? (Select all correct answers)
Can clothes be recycled?
True or false, textiles can be made of plastic.
How long does a plastic bottle take to biodegrade?
Which of these does not get made into fabric?
What can you do to reduce clothes waste? (Select all correct answers)
What can you do to reduce microfibres and microplastics?
The average score is 58%
Science of Materials - Glass
Test your knowledge of glass.
What is glass made from?
What properties does glass have?
True or False, glass is brittle.
What does translucent mean?
Is it easy to recycle glass?
How is glass of different colours separated? (Select all that could apply)
Can glass be reused?
The average score is 66%