Putting the 3Rs into practice in your school!

Waste bin – are you separating recycling?
Are you reusing stationery and paper?
Are you encouraging waste free lunches?
Are staff aware of what to do to reduce waste?
Is furniture/spare equipment getting reused and shared between schools?
Are you becoming paper-free?
Are you recycling food waste in the school grounds by composting fruit peelings?
Are you communicating your actions in school to reduce waste with the wider school environment?
Buy equipment and stationery made of recycled materials! This is the best way to support recycling and move us to a circular economy!
While learning about the 3Rs is important, it is essential that pupils have opportunities to put their learning into practice by actively reducing, reusing and recycling on a daily basis at school. The resources below will help schools embed the 3Rs into all aspects of school life.
Devon schools spend approximately £300,000 a year on managing their waste. Setting up efficient whole-school 3Rs systems has the potential to support pupils’ learning while saving the school money.
Recycling collection services are offered to schools by most local authorities. Some charge for this service, but this is usually lower than the cost of collecting the recycling as ‘rubbish’. Many waste collection companies also offer recycling services, so if your school does not yet have a recycling collection then ask your local council and/or current waste collection provider to find out what they offer.
Don’t forget you can ask our Waste Educators for help! Find your local one on our Contact us page or email the team for more details. They can come into school and help show pupils why Reducing, Reusing and Recycling are so important, as well as helping you to set up recycling schemes at school.
District Council household rubbish and recycling collection guides
Many people get confused about what can be recycled in their area. These quick reference guides are handy for showing ‘what goes where’ in your local council household waste collections.
They can be used in class or sent home for further discussions, but remember it is more important to Reduce and Reuse your waste first!
Exeter City Council Collections
Mid Devon District Council Collections
West Devon Borough Council Collections
Torridge District Council Collections
Teignbridge District Council Collections
South Hams District Council Collections