Restarting Composting

In February 2022 the very keen school gardeners at Cornwood Primary School set about restarting their school composting system with the help of our Waste Educators, Alex and Lucy, and special compost guru Nicky Scott.

Following a big push as part of the Schools Composting Project, started in 2008 by Devon County Council, over 100 schools in Devon were donated compost bins to help schools manage their food and garden waste. Many schools, like Cornwood, have equipment sitting in school gardens or grounds and are keen to start composting again.

Schools will have stopped composting for  variety of reasons, some pandemic related, as eco-groups could not meet and schools were shut for months on end. Over the years schools might have lost staff who had the training and expertise in composting. Whatever the reason many schools like Cornwood are keen to get their compost bins working again.

The Waste Education Team can help! Our fully trained staff will be able to advise and help teachers, TAs, caretakers and students to learn the basic of composting, providing them with the know-how to start producing amazing compost from their school food and garden waste. this compost can then be used in school gardening projects, providing outdoor learning opportunities.

Contact us if you would like some help with your school composters, or are keen to start composting in school.

As Cornwood Primary School students can tell you – it’s also amazing fun and they learnt lots while out in the school garden, even on a chilly winters’ day!

You can contact us by emailing Alex Mack on