Earn a Recycle Devon Badge!
We have created an exciting opportunity for all members of Devon Scouts and Devon Girlguiding (including Torbay and Plymouth) to earn themselves a Recycle Devon Badge to sew on their uniforms.
This badge is available for free from the Recycle Devon team. Email lucy.mottram@devon.gov.uk with the Order Form to obtain a set for your group.
Riverside Recycling Walk around Exeter Quay
Did you know that we have a specially created walk around Exeter Quay and the Riverside Park that could be a great activity for a youth group?
In collaboration with Go Jauntly and Viridor we have produced a walk with a guide on the Go Jauntly app, and a sign at the bridge to Marsh Barton Station, with instructions and lots of snippets of information about resource management through the ages. The walk is approx 7km and would take about 1.5-2hrs to walk.
You can find a link here: Riverside Recycling Trail -Short – Go Jauntly
Or download the Go Jauntly walking app and follow the trail, or see the sign pictured left.
The video below will help with the 3Rs activity.