A Community Fridge is a place to get food that would have been thrown away. Supermarkets or other businesses provide surplus food they would otherwise have thrown out. Volunteers collect the food to put into the fridge, in a freezer or on shelves. It is free and anyone can use a Community Fridge. There are over 30 across Devon. The first one in Devon was in the town of Chudleigh.

Bananas and bread are amongst the most wasted foods in Britain and often end up in Community Fridges. One way to use up bananas is in banana bread.

Up to one-third of all food produced worldwide is wasted, so it is very important that all aspects of food production and agriculture are considered when tackling food waste, from farm gate to plate, and then bin.

Most local authorities in Devon have a weekly kerbside food waste collection, but the details may be different in each area so check your local District Council website.

Food Waste Crossword


4. Put your food waste in this bin at home for recycling.

6. The amount of food produced that is wasted around the world.

8. Food that supermarkets and businesses throw away.

9. Food waste in Devon is recycled through this process which produces electricity and fertiliser for fields.

10. A great way to use up bananas that are past their best.


1. Use these up before throwing them away. Food that could be eaten again.

2. The most commonly wasted food, made from flour.

3. A place where surplus food is put for everyone to use.

5. The town with the first Community Fridge in Devon.

7. People who collect surplus food.