Scrabble letters arranged to spell out Back to School on a sheet of lined paper with two pencils

Back to School!

Be more sustainable when back to school shopping this summer.

Summer Holiday Fun

Our guide to activities suitable for rainy or sunny days in the holidays!

Turn the Tide at Dawlish

Did you see our Waste Education Team at the ‘Turn The Tide’ festival in Dawlish? They were hard to miss!

June/July 2024 Sustainability Bulletin

Read the latest issue of Devon Schools sustainability newsletter …

Waste Education at the Beach #WorldOceansDay

Waste education at the beach! The aim is to inform children about litter, pollution and sustainable fishing.

Help us help you! Complete our survey…

For School Business Managers and Facility and Estate Managers. Pass it on!

NEED Summer Forum 2024

Network with fellow environmental educators at Killerton on the 27th June 2024.

National Children’s Gardening Week

It’s National Children’s Gardening Day. A day to garden with children, and encourage a love of growing your own flowers and produce.

Eco-anxiety and Mental Health

How do we help young people who feel paralysed with fear about their future?

Net Zero Schools Advisers come to Devon!

We’re really excited this week as we met the new Let’s Go Zero Climate Advisers for schools across the South West. They are ready to help schools reach net zero by 2030. They offer schools free and impartial support and advice. You can contact them on their website here: Climate Action Advisors – Lets Go Zero

What is a Net Zero School?

A school that, on its site and through all its activities and procurement, does not contribute to climate change through carbon emissions. Schools that sign up at the website Let’s Go Zero 2030 will receive advice in producing actions that will reduce carbon in their schools in some key areas including energy use, travel, waste, water, procurement, food and school grounds.

Join nearly 100 Devon schools in declaring that the future will be net zero! You can sign up your school on the Let’s Go Zero website here: Join for zero carbon schools • Lets Go Zero

Clip from Let's Go Zero map of schools from May 2024

Watch out on this website for more posts about teaching children about climate change and saving waste and energy in schools.

In the meantime why not email us at if you have any good stories about something your school has done to reduce waste or carbon!