We use electrical equipment every day at home, work and at school. Whether a piece of toast in the morning, a nice cup of tea or photocopied worksheets, almost everything we do in the modern world relies on electricity to power it. But do we actually know how they work and what to do with them at the end of their lives? The science of electrical equipment explains how they work and helps us to dispose or recycle items safely and sustainably at the end of their lives.

The worksheets on this page will help students at KS1 (Year 1 & 2; 5-7 years old) understand the science behind the electrical equipment they use at home.

Electrical Equipment Worksheets

Electrical Equipment Quizzes

Created on By Millie Green
Graphic of plug and socket

KS1 - Electrical Equipment Quiz

Test your knowledge on using and recycling electrical equipment

1 / 7

Which of these is true about electricity?

Danger high voltage sign

2 / 7

Which of these things do not use electricity?

Small Electrical Appliances

3 / 7

True or false, you should never mix water with electricity.


4 / 7

True or false, I should ask for help from a grown up when using electrical things?

5 / 7

What should you do when a phone, iPad or laptop runs out of battery?

Phone charger

6 / 7

True or false, it is okay to put anything into plug sockets

7 / 7

What should I do with my electrical items to be recycled?

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