This activity links with the KS3 and GCSE curriculum by teaching about the extraction of aluminium and iron, how the metals are manufactured from the ore and how recycling compares to mining and transportation.

It can be taught as a series of 3-4 lessons, or could be split into stand-alone activities according to the needs of the class.

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Created on By Millie Green
Open pit bauxite mining in Guinea

KS3/4 Metals Quiz: Aluminium

Test Your Knowledge on Aluminium extraction – mining and electrolysis.

1 / 10

What form is aluminium present in rocks?

Image of two cans

2 / 10

What is the name of the compound produced when bauxite is purified?

Aluminium in rocks

3 / 10

What is the name of the process used to extract aluminium from alumina?

A picture of Norilsk Nickel plant in Siberia showing bare hillsides and large industrial buildings with red and white chimneys and large electrical pylons in Norilsk, Siberia

4 / 10

What other elements are needed in the extraction of aluminium from its ore?

Open pit bauxite mining in Guinea

5 / 10

How often must the graphite be replaced in the electrolysis reaction?

4 glass beakers from large to small

6 / 10

Which of the following is NOT a reaction that happens in the electrolysis?

Diagram of the Hall Heroult process for smelting aluminium

7 / 10

What are the main waste products of the electrolysis process?

Picture of chimneys with yellow coloured smoke emerging

8 / 10

What temperature must the aluminium oxide be heated up to in the electrolysis process?

Man tending to a fire in a dark room

9 / 10

What process do you think would be better than mining aluminium from the ground and then extracting the aluminium through electrolysis?

10 / 10

What can I do at home to prevent unnecessary mining of aluminium? (Select all correct answers)

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The average score is 65%


Created on By Millie Green

KS3/4 Metals Quiz: Iron extraction

Test your knowledge on iron extraction in a blast furnace.

1 / 9

How and where does iron occur naturally?

Image of iron links

2 / 9

What is the name of the process where iron ore is concentrated before being turned into metal?

3 / 9

What is the name of the structure used in the extraction of iron from iron ore?

A picture of Norilsk Nickel plant in Siberia showing bare hillsides and large industrial buildings with red and white chimneys and large electrical pylons in Norilsk, Siberia

4 / 9

What other compounds are needed in the extraction of iron from its ore?

5 / 9

What kind of reaction happens in the blast furnace where iron ore is turned into iron?

Image of liquids in beakers of various colours and solid objects

6 / 9

Which of the following is NOT a reaction that happens in the furnace?

Man tending to a fire in a dark room

7 / 9

What are the main waste gases from the blast furnace?

Image of energy sources

8 / 9

Where is the largest factory in the UK where steel is processed into food packaging grade product?

Picture of chimneys with yellow coloured smoke emerging

9 / 9

What process do you think would be better than mining iron from the ground?

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The average score is 68%


Created on By Millie Green

KS3/4 Metals Quiz: Recycling

Test Your Knowledge on comparing production of metals with recycling of metals.

1 / 9

What is a Circular Economy? (Select all correct answers)

Circle made of arrows of different colours

2 / 9

What is a Carbon Footprint?

3 / 9

What is the name given to an analysis of a product's entire environmental impact, from its production until its disposal?

Life cycle analysis diagram, blue earth in centre and factories, transport, usage, disposal, material extraction.

4 / 9

Which sector had the highest emissions of greenhouse gases in 2016?

Satellite image of the earth

5 / 9

What proportion of the global emissions of greenhouse gases did the iron and steel industries contribute in 2016?

Open pit bauxite mining in Guinea

6 / 9

What is the main method of transporting bauxite or aluminium oxide from where it is made to where it is processed?

Man carrying a stack of 5 cardboard boxes, almost falling over with a pile of cardboard boxes behind

7 / 9

In terms of tons per mile which is the least polluting way of transporting heavy materials around the world?

Image of a plane in the sky over clouds

8 / 9

What process do you think is better than mining aluminium from the ground and then extracting the aluminium through electrolysis?

Steel cans of assorted sizes

9 / 9

What actions could you do at home to reduce the need for metal mining globally? (Select all correct answers)

Recycling Centre street sign

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The average score is 59%
