Did you see our Waste Education Team from Devon County Council and Resource Futures  at the ‘Turn The Tide’ festival in Dawlish? They were hard to miss! They were joined by the team from Community Action Groups in Devon (CAG Devon).

Turn the Tide was a festival to raise awareness about our marine environment and wellbeing. The Waste Education Team were there to support this message by prompting the messaging around reducing, reusing and recycling. 

The photo above is of our waste educators with CAG Devon, Cask Shanty Duo, Teignmouth Mermaid and Higher Beings Circus.  Check out the amazing outfits, mostly made with reused materials!

The Waste Educators stand had a safe children’s play environment with various games, such as the litter picking game and the bean bag game. Activities that honed the message about plastic pollution and littering. Our educators were able to engage with the parents while inspiring their children. Read on for more details…

The ‘bean bag’ game:

Where children have to put the bean bag in the correct bin to either, reduce, reuse, recycle, Energy from Waste or compost. Each bean bag is labelled with an item like ‘carrots’, ‘crisp packets’ or ‘blue paper towels’. Which bin do carrots, crisp packets and blue paper towels go in?

The litter-picking game:

Where children race with each other to see who is the fastest litter picker, picking litter from a hula hoop and then putting it in a bucket. Afterwards, the children celebrated with some exercise by hula hooping.

Turn the Tide was a fun and educational day. For more fun, educational litter games, check out New Litter Word Search! – Zone (recycledevon.org) or for a comprehensive set of litter-related lesson plans check out Litter Pack – Zone (recycledevon.org)

Bonster the Hungry Monster:

The waste educators held story time sessions at the stand like the reading of the fun story, ‘Bonster the Hungry Monster’. A book created to encourage children to think about food waste, click the link for the full story Bonster the Hungry Monster – Zone (recycledevon.org)