Today is the start of #NationalChildren’sGardeiningWeek.

Gardening can be fun, exciting and great for your wellbeing. A week for children to get involved in their love of nature and growing.

The day was started by Ferndale Garden Centre, founded by Neil Grant. Neil Grant is BBC radio Sheffield’s garden expert. The idea has since spread across the country, gaining popular support. Check out their webpage here: National Children’s Gardening Week – Together, we help children grow. (

To celebrate this week the Zone is promoting the Minibeast Colouring Sheet – Zone ( A simple yet effective worksheet to spark children’s interest in the number of fascinating creatures in their gardens. For more gardening themes check out Composting – Zone (

Click on the images below or go to the Minibeast page to download the worksheets.

Sign up to our sustainability bulletin for more up to date news and events Sustainability Bulletin – Zone (