Happy #WorldThinkingDay!

Today is a special occasion for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts worldwide, celebrated since 1926. It’s a day dedicated to international friendship and raising awareness about issues affecting young women across the world. Did you know that the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts supports 8.9 million members globally? Check out their page here: WAGGGS | World Thinking Day

At Recycle Devon, we proudly support Girl Guiding with our dedicated page, where you can earn your own badge as a Girl Guide! We also provide a resource guide for Leaders, where you can discover tips and pledges for waste reduction, including how to find repair cafes, which can play a crucial role in influencing young minds. Devon Girlguiding – Zone (recycledevon.org).

Four young girls in high-vis vests smiling at the camera, while hugging each other.

Withycombe Raleigh C of E Primary School, at our beach day litter pick

Life skills

Many of the skills Girl Guides learn are valuable life skills. Some of these skills are home economics like repairing and cooking. On our website, explore our Clothes and Textiles – Zone (recycledevon.org) , which offers tips on how to reduce waste by swapping, mending and reusing clothing and textiles.

Cooking is an important life skill, that everyone needs to learn, including how to reduce food waste, which is about a third of  Devon’s dustbins. To help everyone reduce food waste at lunchtime we have a zero-waste lunches page Zero Waste Lunches – Zone (recycledevon.org). Recycle Devon’s main page also has their own exclusive leftovers recipe book Love Food Hate Waste – Recycle Devon.

These topics align perfectly with this year’s World Thinking Day theme, “Our World, Our Thriving Future: The environment and global poverty.” Together, let’s empower Girl Guides to combat climate change, waste, and poverty.

The teaching of pumpkin recipes. Part of project Pumpkin Rescue – Recycle Devon

Reducing consumption

Did you know that the way we consume is responsible for a staggering 45% of global emissions? The largest economies make up most of this with the G20(biggest economies) accounting for 78% of global emissions. The UK ranks as the 8th largest waste contributor globally and is the 2nd largest contributor to electronic waste per capita. It’s time for us, as wealthier nations, to lead the charge in waste reduction and create a better future for all.

you can kickstart this journey by exploring our Zone website, where you’ll find resources to upskill and make a difference!

Sourced facts:

Facts and Figures | United Nations

Taking action on climate change | WRAP

Our World in Data

Municipal waste generation by select country | Statista

A group of female protesters holding signs about environmentalism. The focus of the image is the young girl at the front holding a sign of the Earth.