
Picture shows a man and child sitting in silhouette watching a winter sunrise over a lake

How do we help young people who feel paralysed with fear about their future?

We have created this page with the links to organisations and resources with the aim to help teachers and parents understand eco-anxiety and help young people cope with the existential threats posed by our modern way of life.

Eco-Anxiety and Young People 

You may have heard the term “Eco-anxiety” used recently, especially in relation to young people worried about the state of the world and worried that their future will be made much worse by climate change and environmental destruction. Listen to the podcasts below and watch the 2018 TED talk (right) from Greta Thunberg about her struggle with mental health and activism against climate change.

Immediate Help

If you are worried about the safety of a child in Devon and want to speak to someone, or if you are a child worried about your own safety, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or email and give as much information as you can.

If a child is at immediate risk contact the police on 999.

If you are a professional, you should make a MASH contact (previously a MASH enquiry). Please see the guidance on making a MASH contact.

Child laying down and thinking with an up close focused image on her eye.

Humans are pre-programmed to become anxious when they identify a threat. This has helped us for millennia, in producing adrenaline that helps us run fast to escape from dangerous predators like lions and tigers or freezing to hide from danger.

Young people are not immune to anxiety, in fact they may be at higher risk of exposure to threats via social media, which can also magnify their appearance through the echo chamber effect.

Unfortunately, environmental destruction and climate change are not short term problems that can be resolved quickly by running away or hiding. Waiting them out won’t work to resolve our eco-anxiety either – we have to change our own behaviours and influence change within our society to resolve them. We have to find individual ways to cope with these existential threats.

Young people feel more exposed to these issues as they have more of their lives ahead of them than older people. They know their own lives will be impacted by resource issues and climate change. This makes young people massive stakeholders in the future and more vulnerable to eco-anxiety.

Here is a playlist we think you might find useful when talking about eco-anxiety with young people:

The Solutions

The pathway from a stressed and anxious child to a calm and happy one will take time and patience, no matter what has caused the anxiety. But children are resilient creatures, so given the right help and reassurance and provided parents, teachers and other professionals work together then they should be able to navigate their path to recovery. Children may not be able to explain what is making them anxious, or it may be a combination of worries that have triggered anxious behaviour. Below are the stages to help children recover from stress and anxiety.

Young children may not realise that they are feeling anxious or know what is causing it. Look out for the following signs:

  • irritability, being tearful or clingy
  • having problems sleeping
  • waking in the night
  • wetting the bed (especially if they were previously dry)
  • having bad dreams

Older children may show different symptoms:

  • lacking confidence to try new things or seeming unable to face simple, everyday challenges
  • finding it hard to concentrate
  • having problems with sleeping or eating
  • becoming angry for no apparent reason
  • having a lot of negative thoughts, or keep thinking that bad things are going to happen
  • starting to avoid everyday activities, such as seeing friends, going out in public or going to school

There may be a simple explanation for anxiety and it may be easy to resolve the problem, for example worrying about appearing in a school play or worried about changing seat in the classroom. The important thing is to reassure them and explain that you understand.

It may be a good idea to explain what lies behind their body’s response to their worrying about something. There are some lovely videos on Youtube that may help (see our Eco-anxiety playlist on Youtube).

Anxiety about climate change and the plastic pollution problem can feel overwhelming, but there are ways to help alleviate those feelings of helplessness. Many children are turning to activism to help them feel less anxious about the future.

Greta Thunberg is a great example. She was paralysed by Eco-anxiety, but found her voice on the world stage by striking from school every Friday. You don’t have to become an internationally recognised activist to make a difference – see our Local Action pages some ideas of ways to help in your local community.

If the child or teen becomes increasingly unwell due to anxiety then it is time to ask for professional help. The organisations listed on the right hand side of the page here will be able to offer support and guidance. Young people should never feel that they are alone in mental health issues and asking for help is the first step to getting well again.

Further Reading & Resources

Devon County Council Logo

Devon County Council has a dedicated group of people looking after children and families. From social workers to family liaison officers they can help with problems related to many aspects of family life. Access help by talking to someone on the family support helpline: 0345 155 1013

If you are worried about the safety of a child in Devon and want to speak to someone, or if you are a child worried about your own safety, please contact our Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or email and give as much information as you can.

If a child is at immediate risk contact the police on 999.

If you are a professional, you should make a MASH contact (previously a MASH enquiry). Please see the guidance on making a MASH contact.

This is the place to gain access for advice and support for children and young adults with mental health issues in the county of Devon. They provide help for children and young people experiencing problems with emotional or psychological wellbeing or mental health.

Young Minds are a charity leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. They are trying to make sure young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.

We empower young people to turn their eco-anxiety into agency, and work with leaders across business and education to drive intergenerational solutions.

A brilliant website dedicated to Eco-anxiety in young people, with links to news and resources to help cope with the world in light of the climate and biodiversity emergency facing us all.

Open Minds is a Devon based organisation that provides tools for young people and their families to deal with anxiety, anger and enhances positive wellbeing through mindfulness workshops and personalised care.

The Children’s Society is a charity that works with children and young people who feel scared, unloved and unable to cope step by step, for as long as it takes.

We listen. We support. We act.

There are no simple answers so we work with others to tackle complex problems. Only together can we make a difference to the lives of children now and in the future.

Childline is a free, private and confidential service where young people can talk about anything.


image of the science of electrical equipment logo

Electrical Equipment Worksheets KS3/4

We use electrical equipment every day at home, work and at school. Whether a piece of toast in the morning, a nice cup of tea or photocopied worksheets, almost everything we do in the modern world relies on electricity to power it. But do we actually know how they work and what to do with them at the end of their lives? The science of electrical equipment explains how they work and helps us to dispose or recycle items safely and sustainably at the end of their lives.

The worksheets on this page will help young people understand the science behind the electrical equipment they use at home.

Electrical Equipment Worksheets

Electrical Equipment Quizzes

image of the science of electrical equipment logo

Electrical Equipment Worksheets KS2

We use electrical equipment every day at home, work and at school. Whether a piece of toast in the morning, a nice cup of tea or photocopied worksheets, almost everything we do in the modern world relies on electricity to power it. But do we actually know how they work and what to do with them at the end of their lives? The science of electrical equipment explains how they work and helps us to dispose or recycle items safely and sustainably at the end of their lives.

The worksheets on this page will help young people understand the science behind the electrical equipment they use at home.

Electrical Equipment Worksheets

Electrical Equipment Quizzes

image of the science of electrical equipment logo

Electrical Equipment Worksheets KS1

We use electrical equipment every day at home, work and at school. Whether a piece of toast in the morning, a nice cup of tea or photocopied worksheets, almost everything we do in the modern world relies on electricity to power it. But do we actually know how they work and what to do with them at the end of their lives? The science of electrical equipment explains how they work and helps us to dispose or recycle items safely and sustainably at the end of their lives.

The worksheets on this page will help students at KS1 (Year 1 & 2; 5-7 years old) understand the science behind the electrical equipment they use at home.

Electrical Equipment Worksheets

Electrical Equipment Quizzes

Compost Life Cycle

This sheet will help younger children (KS1) understand the Grow-Cook-Eat-Compost cycle. It links to National Curriculum Science in Year 1 & 2: Plants.

There’s also a simple pea and bean recipe below to help enjoy a small crop of peas and beans from a school garden.

Minibeast Colouring Sheet

We have created these sheets for younger children as part of our work about composting and food waste. All these creatures live in compost and help it change from food waste, twigs and leaves into wonderful food for plants.

Cardboard Worksheets: Home Activity

Cardboard is one of the most useful materials in our modern world. Light, adaptable, cheap to make and easy to reuse or recycle it is ideal for jobs such as food packaging and parcel delivery. The science of materials  helps understand the life cycle, properties and recycling. These investigations will help students understand how to recycle materials safely and sustainably at the end of their lives.

The worksheets on this page will help young people understand the science behind the adaptable and useful material that is cardboard.

To find out more about card and cardboard visit our materials webpage.

Pile of cardboard

Downloadable Worksheets


Properties of Materials Worksheets

The Science of Materials allows us to find out what stuff is made of and their properties. It determines what we use for what purpose, ie. not using chocolate to make teapots or concrete to make trampolines!

The activity described in the worksheet below allows KS2 students to test a variety of materials and record the properties of each of a range of samples. This is the activity that our Waste Education Team deliver on our Free School Trips.

Material scientists use the properties of materials to sort out recycling too – find out how in the video below about Material Recycling Facilities – see if you can spot all of the properties used to sort out different materials into clean streams for recycling into new stuff.

Downloadable Worksheet

Video Link to Properties of Materials

An egg is surrounded by empty cardboard packaging, a yogurt pot, a fruit punnet, shredded paper, scissors and string.

Egg drop challenge: A Summer holiday activity!

Take on the #EggDropChallenge! Use recyclable and reused items from around the house to protect an egg from a fall!

Plastic Free Schools badge from Surfers Against Sewage 2018

How To Become A Plastic Free School

Plastic pollution is an important topic of our times.  More and more evidence is showing us there is need to change our habits.  It is difficult to know where to start. Tackling this problem, that affects each and every one of us, will require action from us all.

Many of us are already looking for ways to reduce our own plastic use, from remembering to take our reusable bags to the shops, to collecting litter from our local beach, park or stream.

The question we want to answer for you is how can your school become a Plastic Free School? 

What Is  Plastic Free Schools? 

Plastic Free Schools is a Surfer’s Against Sewage movement with the aim to get rid of single-use plastic from our environment. It helps pupils understand the problems with plastic in the environment, teaches them to identify single-use items, question whether we need them, and look to replace them. It’s designed to help children learn the power of their own voice while creating lasting environmental change from the playground to parliament! 

Surfers Against Sewage Logo

Plastic Activities 

As part of the Plastic Free School campaign you will need to educate and teach students about plastic waste. Have a look at our teaching resources to help achieve this:  

Plastic Activity Finder

Top Ten Tips to Reduce Plastic Waste

Here are some of our own tips to reduce plastic use in your school. 

Top 10 Tips to Reduce Plastic Waste

Plastic Workshops

We work to deliver workshops, assemblies  and more to help embed the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) into the curriculum and everyday school life.

Find out more about our Plastic and Litter Workshops here.

Case Study 

Georgeham Primary School, Devon

In 2018,  Georgeham Primary School, became the first school in the UK to achieve the Plastic Free Schools status. 

How did they do it?

First, they looked at what plastics were in and around the school that weren’t necessary such as milk cartons, cling film and sauce packets.  Then they thought about ways to replace them. Here are just a few of the things they did: 

  • Contacted suppliers of milk carton
    s to change type of product to recyclable milk bottles.
  • Swapped from cling film to reusable  food tubs with lids
  • Swapped individual sauce packets to large sauce bottles with pump action attachments and a pump spray bottle for the vinegar
  • Contacted fruit and veg suppliers to reduce plastic from them
  • Swapped individual ice cream tubs to Arctic Roll in recyclable packaging

The result was not only a dramatic reduction of waste but also great cost savings too!

Plastic Free Schools badge from Surfers Against Sewage 2018

Keri Lambert, school dinner assistant at Georgeham Primary School pouring milk for pupils at Devon's first Plastic Free School

Image of Georgeham primary school children

External Resources

Find additional plastic free activities and resources from external organisations.

marine conservation society logoMarine Conservation SocietySign up for a beach clean led by one of the Beach Watch volunteer organisers or register your schools own event! They provide all the resources you need to get set up.

2 minute beach clean logoThe 2 Minute Foundation – Your school can join in on a drop-in group or book your class or entire school for an all day session with The 2 Minute Beach School.

Million mile clean logoMillion Mile Clean – Get involved with the Surfers Against Sewage ‘Million Mile Clean‘ initiative. You can clean any location, any time, just track your distance, submit your results and use the hashtag #MillionMileClean when posting on social media.

The Great Nurdle Hunt – You can take part in a nurdle hunt anytime and anywhere. All you need to do it count how many nurdles you see at your chosen location. Count how many you find, how long you were hunting and how many people took part. Then submit your data on their website!

Keep Britian Tidy logo Keep Britain Tidy – Become a #LitterHero by joining the #BigBagChallenge and pledge to pick up as much litter as you can during the campaign. The Ocean Recovery Project is also working to help volunteers recycle beach litter to be made into new items. You can also get access to free teaching resources.

Why not try any of these ideas at your school? We’d love to hear from you if you do!